The Nova Scotia Product Design and Development Centre provides entrepreneurs with access to a complete product research and development group and allows them to develop their ideas from concept through to functional prototypes. The NSPDDC staff have expertise in engineering, electronic design, embedded systems, system design, plastic injection moulding, CNC machining and fabrication. Working closely with local manufacturers the NSPDDC’s work benefits industry and stimulates the local economy by helping to generate new products and ventures.
Whether they are providing expertise in design and testing, or producing discovery prototypes and low volume production, the NSPDDC are innovating new technologies and supporting local business.
The Nova Scotia Product Design and Development Centre provides small and medium sized businesses in Nova Scotia with product research and development. We provide entrepreneurs with a spectrum services from basic consulting and design, to concept prototypes, detailed design, testing, and pre-production prototypes.
Working on challenging problems and bringing ideas to reality we give industry the confidence they can go from paper concept to actual product.
NSPDDC is staffed by professional engineers, researchers and designers who bring a depth of experience and creative problem solving to each project.
Matt d’Entremont, B.Eng., M.A.Sc., P.Eng.
Mr. d’Entremont has over 29 years experience in the design of new products, electronics, system design, computer vision and image processing in industry most recently as the Director of the NSPDDC.
Mr. d’Entremont has experience in product development working in industry for 10 years in embedded system design before starting with Dalhousie. His experience includes Risk Management, Configuration Management, Idea Generation, Rapid Development, Relationship and Project Management, and Strategic Positioning. He has spent the last 20 years in industry developing various medical products, defense, agriculture, telecommunications, aquaculture, and commercial products. These include stages of idea generation, concept development, simulation, prototyping, implementation of developed designs, in preparation for commercial manufacture.
Mr. d’Entremont is the Director of the NSPDDC at Dalhousie University and a product champion for many teams in Atlantic Canada with a 100+ products/projects history. He is a previous member of the ACOA Inventor Quest advisory board, past advisor for the Entrepreneur’s Forum, past mentor for First Angels, previous expert in residence for the EMERA ideaHUB, Member of Engineers Nova Scotia, and an instructor at Dalhousie University.
Mr. d’Entremont as director and principal engineer provides project guidance and supervision, takes part in idea generation and concept development sessions, implements the developed designs, and ensures the quality and completeness of the deliverables.
Dr. Ken Wilkie, M.Eng., Ph.D., P.Eng.
Ken Wilkie is a former Associate Professor in the Process Engineering & Applied Science department of Dalhousie University. With 40 years experience Dr. Wilkie has worked on various agriculture, mechanical, electrical, and biological projects with industry throughout his tenure at Dalhousie University.
Dr. Wilkie has experience with many industrial projects with various companies while teaching biological instrumentation, mechanical, and agricultural courses. His experience includes new wireless telemetry architectures, robotic control algorithms and instrumentation, and mechanical processes.
In the role of NSPDDC Fellow, Ken Wilkie researches, architects, and designs the required deliverables based on his unique skills, knowledge, and experience.
1340 Barrington Street (Suite K101)
Halifax, Nova Scotia,Canada
B3J 1Z1
Phone: (902)-476-7839